Chitika Ads

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Machines Can't Dream, Part I

We launched site targeting a couple of months ago. Why site targeting? Well, to put it succinctly, because machines can't dream. We're proud of our engineers and their work, but even they can't make computers dream. They can't make a machine feel the emotions that people feel, experience the desires that people have, or imagine all the concepts that might resonate with users (we think they do a pretty good job on this last one, though).

We want to allow the very best ideas, whether they're from machines or marketers, to serve the needs of users. So, we've introduced site targeting, opening up our ads system to the intelligence, ideas and insights of thousands of AdWords advertisers.

Advertisers can now specify and bid on sites within the AdSense network where they want their ads to appear. We've enabled these advertisers to try out their best ideas and concepts within the AdWords system. Their site-targeted ads compete in the same auction as keyword-targeted ads. If these ads don't do well, they'll quickly give way to other ads from elsewhere in our system. And if these ads do perform well, they'll continue to win placement more and more broadly.

In this way we're also ensuring that web publishers display the highest-performing, most relevant ads through AdSense.

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